2-Year Comprehensive Chinese Herb Program: Year 1 October 2019 – September 2020


This course will meet one weekend per month, for a total of 12 weekends
Saturdays 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sundays 9:00 – 5:00 pm
Hours: 156.0 contact hours (156.0 NCCAOM PDA points pending)

Instructor: Cindy Micleu, MTCM, L.Ac. (see bio)
Course Location: Phinney Ridge neighborhood in Seattle, WA
Cost: $3900.00  (Payments by installments available)
Prerequisites: Open to licensed acupuncturists. No prior Chinese herb training required.
3rd year student will be considered.
Please call Cindy to discuss your situation and if this course is right for you.  (206) 409-6157.


Initial deposit to hold your space in this course is $900.00
Payment by installments is available.
Register here



Course Description:

This is the first year of a 2-year program of study in Chinese herbal medicine. The course is appropriate for licensed acupuncture practitioners and 3rd year acupuncture students, or for herbalists seeking to review and deepen their diagnostic skills and increase the clinical effectiveness of their herbal treatment. Classes are small in order to encourage questions, discussion, and a mentorship style education.

In year 1 of the program, basic materia medica and formulas are covered with emphasis on real clinical case application and a patient centered perspective. Single herbs and formulas are taught together in an integrated system along with attention to deepening diagnostic skills and pattern discrimination. Year 2 of the program focuses on the application of formulas and modifications for a wide variety of disorders.

This course will help participants:

  • Develop a strong working knowledge of Chinese herbs and formulas
  • Learn to assess clinical patient situations with detailed diagnostics and modify herbal formulas accordingly
  • Develop and deepen effective diagnostic skills that address the complex clinical reality that our patients often present
  • Understand how to work with herbs in conjunction with Western approaches

Cindy Micleu will be teaching the core formulas and herbs in year 1 of this program. In year 2, guest instructors will teach some weekends, bringing depth, insight and experience to their particular areas of specialty.

Please Note:

The NCCAOM does not certify any herb program in the country that is not taught within a full accredited masters degree school. Therefore upon completing the Jade Institute herb program you will NOT qualify to sit for the NCCAOM herb exam. If you feel you need the NCCAOM herb certification, this is not the course for you.

However please understand that there are very few states in the U.S., including Washington state, that require the NCCAOM herb exam in order to legally practice Chinese herbal medicine. It is well documented and agreed upon by the organizations and legal representatives for our profession, that if a state ever decides to change its regulation and require the national accreditation, every acupuncture practitioner that is licensed at the time of that change will be grandfathered in to be able to practice herbal medicine legally.

At this time, the U.S. states that require the NCCAOM herb certification to practice Chinese herbs are: Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.

Additional Course Features:

The first year of this course will be held on one weekend every 4 weeks, for a total of 12 weekends and 156 hours of instruction. Class size will be limited in order to facilitate engaged learning through class discussion and individualized instruction.

  • Students will be given study guides, self tests, and case studies to guide their learning in between weekend classes
  • Class recordings are posted on a private student website for review, or if class time is missed
  • Class notes, relevant journal articles, and extra reference materials will also be available on the student website throughout the course
  • Students will have access to case consultation with the primary instructor outside of classroom time

Date and Topic Schedule

Weekend 1: Tonify Qi and Blood
October 5-6, 2019  – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Introduction to materia medica herb properties including methods of treatment, herb channels, temperatures, directions, and formula design. Herbs and formulas that tonify qi, tonify blood, tonify qi and blood. Case discussion.

Weekend 2: Drain and Transform Dampness
November 2-3, 2019 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Dosaging herbs for different situations, body types, times of day, etc., methods of delivery, Dui Yao (herb pairs). Herbs and formulas that drain dampness, clear heat and damp, transform damp aromatically. Case discussion.

Weekend 3: Release the Exterior
December 7-8, 2019 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Formula strategies, treating by season, environment, and constitution. Function of herb flavors. Herbs and formulas that release the exterior wind cold, wind heat, and Shaoyang. Case discussion.

Weekend 4: Clear Heat, Fire, and Toxicity
January 4-5, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Herb suppliers, growing and collecting herbs, the future of Chinese herbs in the West. Herbs and formulas that clear heat drain fire, clear heat resolve toxicity, clear summerheat, clear lingering heat. Case discussion.

Weekend 5: Drain Downward, Warm Interior
February 1-2, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Pao Zhi (special preparations of herbs). Herbs and formulas that clear heat from organs, drain downward, moisten and unblock, warm the interior and expel cold. Case discussion.

Weekend 6: Transform Phlegm, Stop Cough
March 7-8, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cautions and contraindications. Herbs and formulas that cool and transform phlegm, clear heat and transform phlegm, stop cough and wheezing. Case discussion.

Weekend 7: Internal and External Wind
April 4-5, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Herb ethics and ecology, herb safety issues, endangered species, medicinal mushrooms. Herbs and formulas that dispel wind dampness, and extinguish internal wind. Case discussion.

Weekend 8: Regulate and Harmonize Qi
May 2-3, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Herbs and formulas that harmonize, regulate qi, harmonize the Stomach and Intestines, regulate the Spleen and Liver, and direct rebellious qi downward. Case discussion.

Weekend 9: Regulate the Blood
June 6-7, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Diagnosing blood stasis. Herbs and formulas that regulate the blood, and regulate the blood and stop bleeding. Case discussion.

Weekend 10: Nourish Yin, Moisten Dryness
August 1-2, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Herbs and formulas that gently disperse and moisten dryness, enrich yin and moisten dryness, nourish and tonify yin, clear heat from deficiency. Case discussion.

Weekend 11: Tonify Yang, Dispel Cold
September 12-13, 2020- 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Herbs and formulas that tonify the yang, warm the interior and dispel cold, rescue devastated yang, and secure the essence. Review of herbs and formulas to date. Case discussion.

Weekend 12: Nourish Heart, Calm Spirit
October 3-4, 2020 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Discussing the challenges of running an herbal practice. Herbs and formulas that relieve food stagnation, calm and anchor the Spirit, nourish the Heart, and open the orifices. Review of herbs and formulas to date. Case discussion