- Botanical name: Prunus persica
- Common name: Peach kernel, Persica
- Family: Rosaceae, rose family
- Part used in Chinese medicine: seed
- Major Chinese medicine actions:
- Strongly invigorates blood, dispels stasis, moistens intestines
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Growing and Propagation
For the herb Tao Ren, the fruit is harvested in the fall when both fruit and the kernel are at the height of their maturity. After removing the flesh of the peach, the fruit seed, or pit, is split open and the kernel inside is extracted. In order to remove the outer coat of the kernel, they are boiled for 10 minutes until the seed coat wrinkles, and then submerged in cold water so that the coat can be easily rubbed off.
The best quality herb for medicinal use consists of large peach kernels that are white in color, flat and closed, with high oil content.
Harvesting and Preparation
Aenean ut facilisis risus. Suspendisse nec magna eget nunc fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus aliquam volutpat dictum. Curabitur efficitur turpis nunc, ac convallis lorem pretium in. Fusce viverra enim eget urna scelerisque commodo. Suspendisse facilisis justo ullamcorper enim iaculis vestibulum. Aenean ullamcorper mauris est, vel scelerisque massa tincidunt vitae. Maecenas vel maximus odio.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur aliquam vestibulum commodo. Aliquam sit amet volutpat tortor. Vivamus ut ante venenatis, maximus risus quis, dapibus ante. Fusce eleifend ante vitae sem sodales convallis. Integer aliquet, diam ac egestas facilisis, mi nulla ultricies sem, ac sagittis purus ligula eget metus. Duis convallis mi eget dictum ornare. Fusce sit amet ultrices arcu, ut consequat mauris. Curabitur blandit in mauris sed condimentum.
The peach fruit tree (Prunus persica) appears to have originated in China, where it was mentioned in literature several centuries before Christ. It was introduced to Persia before Christian times and was spread by the Romans throughout Europe. Several of its horticultural varieties were brought by the Spanish to North America, where it was naturalized by the late 17th century.
The peach is in the family Rosaceae (rose family) and is closely related to other species of Prunus such as the cherry, plum, and almond, of which Darwin thought the peach was an ancient variety. In China, the flower is frequently used in decorations and is considered a symbol of longevity. According to legend, the peach tree of immortality is located in the Kunlun mountains and produces fruit only once every 3,000 years. The Eight Immortals would travel to the region to gather and eat the magic fruit, assuring their immortality. Ancient warriors crafted weapons from the peach tree wood, and so it was also said to ward off evil.