By Yufang Xue
The general treatment principle is “nourishing yin and extinguishing wind”. Nourishing liver and kidney yin treats the root and extinguishing wind focuses on eliminating its manifestation…..the specific treatment plan will be different in different stages of the disease and with different patients.
Generally speaking, Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and difficult disease requiring a long period of treatment with acupuncture and herbs. In the acupuncture treatment of Parkinson’s disease,. although the selection of acupuncture points is prImarily based on patterns, some special empirical points are also important. Secondly, keep in mind that due to the long treatment period and the need for frequent treatments, it is important to avoid overuse of commonly used points…..
Dr. Yufang Xue, Ph.D. received his bachelor’s degree at Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a masters degree from Shandong University of TCM, and his Ph.D. from Guangzhou University of TCM where he acted as an associate professor. After 17 years of study, teaching and clinical practice in Chinese medicine and acupuncture in China, Dr. Xue was invited by the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine to teach and practice in Minnesota.
Currently, he is a professor at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) in Portland, Oregon where he teaches classes in the masters and doctoral programs and supervises in the student intern clinic. Dr. Xue also sees patients at his clinic in Camas, Washington, the Healing Sage Clinic.
We are very grateful to Dr. Xue for permission to reprint his article, and to the The Journal of Chinese Medicine (JCM) who first published this article. To read a wide range of free sample articles from the JCM visit