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Patricia Hunt Ph.D.


Patricia Hunt is an internationally renowned geneticist, and a professor at Washington State University, Pullman, in the School of Molecular Biosciences.

Dr. Hunt’s concern for the current increased likelihood that older pregnant women will produce chromosomally abnormal children has lead her and her research colleagues to examine the role age plays in altering chromosomes in human eggs. Dr. Hunt’s research includes a focus on mammalian germ cells and understanding the control of the normal meiotic process in the mammalian female, the mechanisms(s) by which errors occur, and the way in which age influences female meiosis.

Due to recent findings in her laboratory, Dr. Hunt is currently studying the role of endocrine disruptors, in particular the effects of exposure to bisphenol A (BPA). Her studies have led to the realization that environmentally relevant doses of BPA cause meiotic disruption and aneuploidy in mice. Current studies focus on determining the reproductive effects of exposure to chemicals with estrogenic activity during different developmental time points.

A member of the Washington State University faculty since January 2005, Patricia Hunt receives her primary research funding from the National Institutes of Health. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Michigan State University and a master’s degree and doctorate in anatomy and reproductive biology from the University of Hawaii. She is a former faculty member at Case Western Reserve University and Emory University, and is an Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor in Life and Environmental Science.

Patricia Hunt
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-4660
(509) 335-3564