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Marty Ryan, LMP, CVMT has taught belly massage and palpatory anatomy seminars internationally since 1998, and is the director of Love Your Guts Seminars. He has also served on the faculty of the Seattle Massage School, the Barlen Institute of Massage, and the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He currently assists Leon Chaitow, ND DO and Gil Hedley, PhD with their trainings in North America.
Marty is in private practice in Seattle, WA and focuses on digestive and reproductive system optimization and post abdominal surgery rehabilitation. In addition to teaching and mentoring manual therapists, Marty outreaches to the broader community of health care providers including acupuncture, the movement arts, colon hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, and naturopathic medicine about the therapeutic benefits of manual therapy and the abdomen. He has actively pursued his clinical treatment style through his full time practice over the last 18 years. His classroom teaching style is often regarded as an open and fun learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to participate, learn and be heard.
Marty Ryan
Love Your Guts Seminars
Seattle, WA