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Jeremy Ross BSc, DAc (Br), LAc.


Jeremy Ross has practiced acupuncture and herbal medicine in both England and the USA, since 1977. He is not only an expert clinician, but a gifted teacher, who can show practitioners how to take a complex case with a profusion of confusing details and cut through to the essentials of the patient’s real needs. He is known for his well-structured courses, his ability to answer questions and stimulate discussion, and for his lively and entertaining lecturing style.

Jeremy started his acupuncture training with Efrem Korngold and in 1974, he studied at the colleges of Dick van Buren, Jack Worsley, and Royston Low in England. This variety of training proved invaluable, giving him three very different perspectives on Chinese medicine from which he was to form a synthesis for acupuncture teaching and practice. In 1981, he went to Canton to study with Professor Wu Xin Jin and later attended the first advanced acupuncture course in Nanjing, organized by Giovanni Maciocia, where he was fortunate to study with Dr. Su Xin Ming. After graduating from a two-year course in Chinese herbal medicine taught by Ted Kaptchuk, he completed an advanced training in Chinese herbs in Nanjing, China in 1988, where he specialized in heart disease, gynecology and pediatrics.

Extensively trained in Western herbal medicine as well, Jeremy studied with Michael Tierra with a practical approach based on a synthesis of the work of the American Physiomedical practitioners, especially John Christopher, and the herbal wisdom of the Native Americans. On returning to England, he studied at the College of Phytotherapy with Hein Zeylstra, graduating in 1982 and becoming a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.

Jeremy is the author of several leading texts, including:
A Clinical Materia Medica: 120 Herbs in Western Use
Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Point Combinations
Zang Fu: The Organ Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine
From Diagnosis to Treatment: 4 Qi Imbalances + 5 Elements (in English in 2011)

Jeremy Ross
Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine
78 Coombe Lane
Bristol, United Kingdom BS9 2AS