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Daniel L. Altschuler, L.Ac, PhD trained in Chinese medicine as an apprentice under Dr Lee Cheng-Yu in Taiwan for 15 years. Previously completing his undergraduate and masters education in the US in classical East Asian Buddhism, religion and culture, he was able to base his entire clinical and academic studies in classic Chinese medical texts. A traditionalist, Daniel specializes in the Shanghan Zabing Lun and has inherited his teacher�s style of an herbal dominated practice specializing in difficult and complicated diseases, particularly focusing on neuropathies and oncology.
Daniel returned to the US in 2005 after completing his PhD at the Guangzhou College of Chinese Medicine to teach at the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine and Bastyr University in Seattle. He teaches a variety of courses including classical medical Chinese, Shanghan Lun, Wenbing theory, Oncology, Neuro-musculoskeletal disease, Herbology, and Acupuncture techniques. Recently Daniel has opened a private practice in Seattle. Daniel and his wife volunteered at free clinics in Nepal and Taiwan, including earthquake disaster zones, and hopes to continue making Chinese medicine available to all.
Daniel Altschuler
3121 E. Madison St., Suite 204
Seattle, WA 98112
40 Lake Bellevue Drive, ste 220
Bellevue, WA 98005